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Hey there!!! My name is Angela (Angie), I am also 24 years old! I have been in the fashion industry and learning for years now, but this profession has taught me that there is always more room to learn and grow. As well as learning from others not just professors and textbooks. I want to make my mark in the industry for those who are tall and curvy and can't quite fit into those other "plus sized curvy" clothing.


Other Reads about me:

Where my "passion for fashion" came from

Where my "passion for fashion" came from:

Since Middle School (2012) I had to do a drastic switch of what department I had to chose clothes from. I would walk into one store and tried on the normal XL, and of course my torso, legs, bust, something was not right. I would make a skater dress look like it should be a top with a ruffle at the bottom. I had to start shopping in the missy or plus size because I no longer fit in junior clothes. I took interest in fashion and made it my passion to pursue this especially since it was not something you would be seen as an influencer for back at that age.


I looked up to Ashley Graham, Marilyn Monroe and other "plus size" woman. Fun Fact: Marylin was actually a size 14, if you were to grade it the size charts we have now she was between a size 2-12! She wouldn't be able to find anything that'd fit her. I still had some work to do with that body confidence when High School came along, but I went to Downtown Magnets High School Class of 2016, which will soon cease to exists. I graduated with my High School Diploma in Fashion Design and continued my journey to Buffalo, NY. I learned there more of my drawing and sketching skills till the BEAUTIFUL educational system let me down, so here I went back to LA to go to my local Technical College.


2018 I began my Associates Degree in Fashion Design, which lead to me finishing school in the Summer of 2019. I worked part time during the summer and winter to complete my degree faster, instead of taking it Spring and Fall Semester at a time. I am here to advocate and help those who feel like these unrealistic sizing charts that these mass production companies use and make the person feel like they are way out of range.

Story behind the name

Story behind the name...

I am going to start with the name Moctezuma. Sounds familiar I bet, maybe a quick mention in the History text books. This name like many others have been lost in translation, this family name of mine has been gone from the original spelling: Motecuhzoma, Moteuczoma, and to the spelling my grandma and great grandma had Moctezuma. My 8x (maybe more..) Great Grandpa's name was Motecuhzoma Xocoyotzin (Mo-tek-coh-zo-ma Sho-co-yo-tet-seen) This pronunciation is done for those who don't have that native tounge and would like to give the name a try. Moctezuma was a great and fearless leader but unfortunatly when Cortez made his conquest to the new lands, he came in with teaching different beliefs and ruling strategies. His ruling era was that around the same time as King Henry VI. It was still a ruling like a monarchy. Cortez mind was on that but when he heard their sactrifices also had gold offerings to the gods he tried to make them switch belifs and reimaged to who they offer. Moctezuma showed kindness toward the Spaniards, even after that it all completly was turned into a nightmare, or how some history texts say he said "...though it has occasioned my ruin."


Upon other research, his name is defined as “he is one who frowns like a lord.” When coming across this meaning of his name made complete sence to me. There wasn't a moment that I saw a frown with their heads held high, along with a posture full of pride. There was never a moment I'd seen, my great grandma and grandma, weren't see with this look and standing. They were both the first to show me and teach the pride it is I have in my blood and even though I may not have the name I am still part of that famiy. Since my grandma's passing, right before this crazy mess we called a pandemic started, I began to use those memories of  support she showed me along with many friends and family, to give my business that push it needed to be what you see here and my social media today. I come from the line of royal blood and an Aztec ancient one, The MOCTEZUMA Line..

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